Sent to the Great Barrington Historical Society all the way from Hawaii is the Great Barrington member ribbon shown above from the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America with no date.
The whole ribbon (a beauty!) is shown at the left, along with the two ribbons also included with that donation, from the 1896 Great Barrington Centennial Celebration of the Cincinnatus Lodge.

Take a look at these advertising signs at the right, donated by Barbara Delmolino, from a store in Housatonic. Can anyone recognize what store it might be from? If so, please email us at [email protected] or call 413-591-8702.
Judy Durlack gave the Society the vintage Dutch girl wall-mounted string holder below, which will look great when we put it on the Museum’s summer kitchen wall!

See these artifacts and much, much more at the GB Museum, 817 South Main Street (Route 7), across from the VFW and a short walk or ride south of the Fairgrounds. Hours are Saturdays and Sundays from 10am to 2pm and by appointment Monday through Friday from 9am to noon.