The Great Barrington Historical Society’s History and Tour of Searles Castle on October 20th was a big hit. Noted local author and historian A. David Rutstein told a full house about the Castle’s history, emphasizing the important people associated with the mansion, and explaining why this Berkshire gem is located in Great Barrington. The castle is now the home of the John Dewey Academy.
After the presentation, David and GBHS member Mike Fitzpatrick each led a tour of the building, pointing out the history and architectural features of each room. Refreshments were served, and some of the profit from this event will establish the Historical Society’s new Berkshire Hills Regional Scholarship Fund.
Many thanks go out to our “worker bees” Julie Fagan, Janet Dahoney, Pam Krol, and Barbara Syer; and especially to the John Dewey Academy students and administration who welcomed us into their home and set up the music room. We couldn’t have done it without all of you!
- Overlooking the music room where the audience listens to David Rutstein’s talk
- Mike Fitzpatrick leads a tour of the Castle
For those of you who didn’t have a chance to attend, here’s a peek at the castle’s first floor:
- Drawing room – Searles Castle
- Carriage entrance
- Dining area – Searles Castle