Thanks to the grant from the Preservation Massachusetts 1772 Foundation, and matched by the generous donations to our “Save the Windows” campaign, our four porch windows, and the Dutch Wagon House dormer, eave, and transom unit have been restored, reconditioned, and installed at the Museum.
Due to the great work of our contractor Scott Morrison, we’ve upgraded the second floor windows of the main house and are about to fully enclose the Wagon House. Scott was even able to save the original 1700’s Wagon House door and incorporate it so it’ll be fully visible from the interior of the building.
Restoration of dormer and eave windows
- Old dormer window on the north side of the Dutch Wagon House
- New dormer window on the north side of the Dutch Wagon House
- Old eave window on the back/east side of the Dutch Wagon House
- New eave window on the back/east side of the Dutch Wagon House.
Restoration of transom and 1770’s door unit
- Door unit viewed from the garden entrance to the Dutch Wagon House.
- New transom seen from outside the Dutch Wagon House.
- The original 1770’s door to the Dutch Wagon House viewed from inside.
Last but certainly not least, the 3-hole privy got a new floor.
- The 3-hole privy before (note the hole in the floor at left)
- The privy after the new floor was installed